Metatron Zenetae Sacred Geometry Women's Crop Top
Metatron for neutrality and alignment
Metatron benefits the wearer & all who lay eyes upon it.
Metatron, or Metatrons Cube, contains all 5 platonic solids enclosed with in one shape. It is representative of all geometric shapes found in nature.
It is present in many of ancient mysteries, Egyptian mythology, ancient Judaic teachings & also its found in alchemy. It is primordial, it is powerful.
It is present in many of ancient mysteries, Egyptian mythology, ancient Judaic teachings & also its found in alchemy. It is primordial, it is powerful.
As you view sacred geometric patterning held within Metatron it takes you beyond the constraints of the matrix, the 3D world. A zero point. Allowing flow & divine order. Becoming one with all that is, in vibrational alignment. Aligning us to Source. Metatron assists in unlocking a doorways to see your infinite potential & divinity.
Wear this powerful symbol combined with activating cosmic artwork all on this soft, comfy, cute crop top.
Galactivate your wardrobe, Elevate your consciousness, Receive the codes of Metatron
Cosmic, Sacred Geometry, High Vibe, Wearable Art Cropped Tee
Featuring my own artwork, original cosmic watercolor painting
Metatron digital overlay infused with powerful sacred geometry
Made with Loving Intentions & Aloha
From the Big Island of Hawaii
♡ Vibrate Higher ♡
Black, White, Heather Olive
• 52% combed and ring-spun cotton/48% polyester
• 40 singles thread weight
• Form fitting
• Side seamed
Size guide
XS/SM | M/L | |
Length (inches) | 16 ½ | 17 ½ |
Width (inches) | 15 ⅝ | 17 ⅛ |